Pelvic Steaming

Pelvic steaming also known as yoni steaming has been practiced by women for centuries. Women were persecuted for practising natural medicine, one of many was pelvic steaming. This silenced woman and consequently all these ancient medicines were lost to the next generations.

The good news is alternative natural medicines are making a big come back and pelvic steaming is one of them.

Steam is very supportive on its own. It encourages circulation vital for blood and lymph flow, cleanses and soothes. Add herbs and it becomes an even more healing creating benefits such as relief and restoration.

The warm steam penetrates through your pores and tissue of the labia. This softens and relaxes the cervix. The properties in the herbs are carried with the steam and reach the bloodstream, cervix, easing PMS, strengthening the womb, soothing infections, nurtures and heals. It also feels like a magical ritual and you become hooked!

Once you’re done with your pelvic steam don’t waste the water and the herbs. There’s still nutrients and goodness in there. Pour the herby potion into your garden to feed your flowers.

Pelvic Steaming Process

Pelvic steaming can assist in the cleansing of the uterus for the treatment of numerous female symptoms.

Plants: You can use any herbs to which you feel drawn. Mugwort can be effective at the start of a period if there is pain and cramping. A relaxing yet elevating mix is rose petals, lavender, chamomile and marigold.

Quantity: Two handfuls of fresh herbs and one handful of dried.


Put the herbs into a large pan of boiling water, crushing as you do. Boil for 10 minutes. Leave for five minutes with a lid on the pan to cool slightly.

Take your underwear off, but make sure you wear socks. Sit over the herbs, draping a heavy towel or a blanket around your waist to trap the steam in. Be careful not to allow in any drafts, so make sure the blanket goes all around and reaches the floor. Don't get cold from the waist up either!

Remain sitting over the steam for about 20 minutes. This is a good time for prayer, meditation, reading or simply to sit quietly and enjoy the herbal healing. The heat should feel pleasant. If it is too warm, wait for a few minutes and try again, if too cool simply reheat.

Rest quietly after the herbal steam in a warm room free from drafts or open windows. It is best to go to bed for at least an hour. Be careful for the next 24 hours to protect yourself from cold drafts, keep warm and avoid sudden temperature changes.

You may experience changes in your vaginal discharge and menstruation. These are normal cleansing reactions and should be regarded as part of the healing process.

When to do the steam: As close to your period as possible. If there is any chance of pregnancy, only do the steam on seeing blood or before you ovulate.

If working on fertility, a good time for steaming is immediately before ovulation.


Do not do the herbal steam if there is any chance that you may be pregnant.

If you have a IUD, reduce the time of steaming to ten minutes.