Womb Alignment/ Mizan Therapy
What is Womb Alignment?
Womb alignment or Mizan Therapy is a fusion of various traditional women’s healing techniques.
It helps to treat the physical symptoms of a tilted womb as well as having a positive impact on emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Womb alignment is a gentle non-evasive, external massage. I never physically move the womb back into her rightful position. However, this powerful treatment regenerates fresh oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the pelvis area which supports the surrounding muscles and ligaments. This helps to stimulate the lymphatic system and nerves round the womb so the systems can flow freely…which is extremely important for womb health!
This treatment will help to heal and repair the womb, bringing the womb back into alignment.
Self-care at home is just as important. To support the healing process you will be given the appropriate advice and hacks to do at home. Regular appointments with me will be needed in the beginning.
This massage is sacred and will help you connect with your womb space, the end result is a happier womb and a happier you!
A fully functioning womb opens the door to so much more than just health. Your womb sits in your pelvic bowl. This is the foundation of you. Your growing ground. Your soil. Healthy soil grows healthy flowers. Connect with your inner goddess!
Never underestimate your strength and the power of massage…
“This is just the beginning”.

What happens when the womb is misaligned?
Imagine you are watering your garden with a hosepipe…..you get a kink in the hose which then slows down or even stops the flow of the water. This is what happens with a misaligned or tilted womb.
The lymphatic system, removes waste from the body via the kidneys and liver. Nerves carry impulses from our brain so we feel sensations and move muscles. Signals are also sent to the brain which enables the brain to stimulate hormonal changes and flow. Blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. Qi, which is vital energy circulating the body will not flow as it should when the womb is tilted.
The womb needs all these systems to be working well so she can do her job, which is to cleanse herself through monthly cycles, to grow a baby and have a smooth transition through menopause. Depending on which way the womb is tilting, or how tilted she is, it can have an impact on other body functions such as the bladder, digestion, and the pelvic floor.
“Mizan therapy helps to iron
out those kinks”
What are the symptoms of a misaligned womb?
Painful menstruation
Dark, thick blood at the beginning or end of menstruation
Painful ovulation
Painful intercourse
Irregular menstrual cycles
Headaches or migraines during menstruation
Clots during menstruation
Failure to ovulate
Uterine polyps
Uterine fibroids
PMS/ depression
Fertility problems
False pregnancy
Difficult menopause
Dizziness with menstruation
Varicose veins of the legs and haemorrhoids
Tired, weak legs or numb legs and feet when standing still
Sore heels when walking
Low back ache
Uterine/ bladder infections
Virginal yeast conditions/vaginitis/ dry vagina
Cancer of the cervix, uterus, or colon
Premature births
Frequent urination
This is a long and varied list of complaints, any of which can indicate a misaligned uterus.
This will affect the flow of at least one of the circulatory systems.
What causes a misaligned womb?
Injuries to the sacrum or coccyx
Chronic constipation
Wearing high heel shoes
High impact exercise
Ligaments that have become over stretched through pregnancy and birth
Difficult/ traumatic births
Poor professional care during pregnancy, birth, and post-natal period
Carrying babies or children on the hip
Misalignment of the pelvis
Lifting and carrying heavy weights immediately before and during menses and after birth
Getting older
Emotional response following trauma
You may have been born with a tilted uterus
What are the benefits of Mizan Therapy?
Mizan therapy can help to increase circulation to the reproductive organs; the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, promoting hormonal balance.
Mizan helps to reposition a misaligned uterus, which in turn increases the circulation of blood, lymph, nervous system, and qi energy.
Promotes the cleansing of any toxic build up from congested circulatory systems and helps to break down scar tissue.
Improves the efficiency of the digestive system, removing and preventing toxic build up in the body and enhancing the immune system.
Enables women to connect with their womb space which helps to heal past traumas, connects to your inner wisdom, your intuition and will have you honouring her and the wisdoms of your cycles.
Conditions Treated
Balances the hormonal system.
Enables the womb to cleanse herself of old blood, including clots.
Increases blood circulation to the womb.
Reduces toxicity and inflamed tissue, which eases pain.
Eases stress, anxiety and emotional trauma that can lead to irregular cycles.
Repositions the womb, making menstruation more efficient.
Promotes hormonal balance and feedback between the womb and ovaries.
Encourages rich, oxygenated blood to the reproductive organs.
Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions and aids the body to flush them out.
Strengthens the liver to enhance metabolism of hormones.
Rebalances the hormonal system.
Improves the feedback system between the reproductive organs, necesary for the correct flow of hormones.
Clears congestion.
Brings rich, oxygenated blood to the ovaries.
Helps to reduce inflammation.
Can break up scar tissue within the fallopian tubes.
Brings rich, nutrients and oxygenated blood to the ovaries which is vital for the health of an egg to produce a healthy foetus.
A relaxed diaphragm helps the digestion of food.
Speeds up the elimination of waste through the digestive system.
Releases trapped wind and bloating.
Promotes bowel movements to eliminate waste, preventing the body from reabsorbing toxins.
Eases stress for a more relaxed digestive system.
Helps to increase confidence in intuition that the gut feels.
Helps the body to let go of past trauma.
Eases stress and anxiety.
Removes emotional blockages.
Womb Alignment for Fertility
Mizan therapy can help prepare your body for conception. It’s a great way to support your fertility journey. If your womb is not in her optimum position, there can be disruption to the hormonal system, and this can decrease your chances of conceiving and can even cause miscarriage.
Mizan therapy will increase blood flow, nourishing and restoring your reproductive health, improving detoxification, relieving congestion and removing emotional blockages. This will give your body the best chance to conceive and grow a baby.
We recommend you have Mizan treatment for three months to detox, nourish and rebuild reproductive health before conceiving.
Mizan therapy is also beneficial if you’re going through assisted conception and may improve your chance of a successful outcome.
Woman have conceived following a course of treatment. Obviously, there is no guarantee that you will become pregnant following Mizan, but the medical professionals are also unable to offer guarantees of a successful pregnancy.
Your Questions Answered
All surgery leaves scars whether physical or emotional. By improving circulation around the pelvis and lower abdomen, scar tissue can be broken down, this can also help prevent further scar tissue formation.
Many women experience bladder or bowel prolapses in the years following a hysterectomy. Mizan therapy can strengthen the remaining organs and reduce the likelihood of these problems.
We store trauma, stress, emotions and anxiety in our bodies. The abdomen, stomach and digestive system being one of those areas, which can lead to constipation, indigestion, heartburn, and IBS.
A course of Mizan therapy combined with self-care, dietary and lifestyle changes can make a huge difference to the digestive system. We feel better when our digestion is functioning well.
Mizan can’t be performed;
During menstruation.
During the first trimester of pregnancy. I have not yet completed the Mizan training specific to pregnant women, therefore I’m unable to provide Mizan for anyone currently expecting.
Within the first six weeks of birth following a caesarean section.
If you have a IUD fitted.
If cancer is present anywhere in the pelvis.
Disclaimer: Evidence-based experience has shown that Mizan Therapy provides clients with relief from the symptoms of a variety of conditions. No claim is being made that all clients of Mizan Therapists will experience relief of their symptoms. Mizan Therapists make no claim of specific results. The decision to employ complementary practices is strictly up to each individual.